


基本上我發現大家的回答都大同小異... 大家好!我叫Louise,今年剛從陽明國中畢業。 Hello, everyone. My name is Louise. Just gratuated from Yang-Mimg secondary school. 事實上我有很多英文名字,不過這一個是最特別的,因為它是取自於我的中 文名字。 Actually, I have alot of English names. But this one is the most special one, because it's named from my Chinese name. 我喜歡看電視、逛街購物、上網以及看小說和漫畫。 I like to watch television, shopping, surf the internet, read novels and comics. 看小說不但可以放鬆心情,還可以發揮想像力,真的很棒。 Read novel not only can relax my mood, but can also inspire my imagination, it's brilliant. 我最喜歡吾命騎士,很好笑。 "The Legend of Sun Knight" is my favourite, it's hilarious. 前不久我才看完暮光之城,很好看可是我覺得有點囉嗦。 I just finished "Twilight", it's nice but I felt it's abit long-winded. 最近在看噩盡島。 I'm reading "Island end of nightmare" nowadays. 如果你也有在看小說歡迎跟我分享! If you are also reading novels, welcome to share with me. 剛開學時我表現得很內向,不過我是一個外向的人,一個人坐在位子上看書不是我的個性,所以歡迎大家和我做朋友! At the start of the semester, I will always seemed to be very shy. But actually, I'm a very extrovert person. Sitting alone reading novels are not my personality. So I'm very willing to be your friend. 2010-09-05 19:01:12 補充: 其他人的有很多文法錯誤... TO光頭:「just this year, Yang Ming Junior High school.」 這句基本上聽的人會很霧煞煞~ 有些人會以為你在說:我今年剛就讀陽明高中... TO Lyra:基本上你的問題不大,只是句子很不順。 TO Yu-wei Feng:你的問題和光頭一樣... 沒有冒犯的意思~





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