


1.請問紐西蘭的八所公立大學研究所(商學碩士或MBA)一年的學費是大概多少? If you hold NZ citizenship or permanent residency, it will cost a lot less than being an overseas student. All universities have different prices to their Master programmes and MBA. MBA - Univeristy of Auckland $10000 (local) or $25000 (overseas) per year, therefore you will be paying $20000 (local) or $50000 (overseas) for the tuition fee. 2.研究所的學制是一年兩期嗎? (針對商學碩士跟MBA) Because a normal degree from University here is not a honor degree, so that requires 2 years to complete Master or MBA courses. However, if you hold a honor degree from somewhere else, I think there may be exceptions. 3.跟台灣研究所一樣是兩年嗎? (針對商學碩士跟MBA) Usually it requires 2 years to complete a Master degree or MBA, however if you have special condition that may allow you to shorten the duration. 4.如果我在台灣的大學讀的是工科..那我如果申請上了是否要補修商科的學分(如果要..大概要補修幾門?) Not necessary, but you may find it useful for yourself to understand more from the background. 5.如果我在台灣雅思已經考到6.5了..那學校還會要求我上語言學校嗎? For Master or MBA, I think their english requirement is IELTs 7.0, if you do not meet their requirement, you can whether re-take your IELTs or study their english course. 6.針對商學碩士跟MBA..紐西蘭的研究所都要寫論文嗎?還是跟英國有的學校一樣只修課呢? Yes you will require to writing thesis. P.S. you can go into their official websites to find out more information or write to them directly, they are usually good in responding. Auckland university and Otago probably have the best reputation among all universities here, so you may do some research on their rankings in different respects too. www.auckland.ac.nz www.otago.ac.nz www.vuw.ac.nz www.lincoln.ac.nz www.massey.ac.nz www.canterbury.ac.nz www.waikato.ac.nz www.aut.ac.nz You can email me if you have anymore queries.





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